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Our certified personal trainer specialises in injury rehab support and offers a convenient mobile service across Brisbane's southside, bringing personalised workouts and expert guidance to you.

by Kim Baram

Master injury rehab trainer
Rehab Trainer Provider | Amore Fitness Brisbane
Master Rehab Trainer | Amore Fitness Brisbane

Working with a personal trainer who specialises in injury prevention and rehabilitation support, can be invaluable if you have any pre-existing or recent injuries.


You can receive specialised guidance and support from an experienced trainer to facilitate your recovery process, improve functional abilities and enhance overall quality of life despite injury challenges.


How our specialist trainer can help


Personalised programs: Our specialist trainer can create personalised exercise programs tailored to the individual's specific injury, taking into account their medical history, current condition and rehabilitation goals.

Safety and effectiveness: Our specialist trainer is skilled in designing safe and effective exercise regimens that promote healing and prevent further injury. They ensure that clients perform exercises with proper form and technique to minimise the risk of aggravating existing injuries.

Comprehensive approach: Rehabilitation programs often encompass various aspects of fitness, including mind-body connection, mobility, stability, strength and endurance. Our specialist trainer addresses these components to enhance overall physical function and well-being.

Injury analysis and exercise selection: Our specialist trainer analyses each exercise in relation to the client's specific injuries and limitations. They carefully select exercises that are appropriate and beneficial, avoiding movements that could exacerbate the existing injury.

Corrective exercise techniques: Our specialist trainer incorporates corrective exercise techniques to address muscular weaknesses, imbalances and movement dysfunctions contributing to the injury. These techniques help restore proper movement patterns and improve functional capacity.

Collaboration with healthcare professionals: To ensure the best possible outcomes, our specialist trainer can collaborate with the client's me
dical or allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists or chiropractors. They can communicate and coordinate care to align rehabilitation efforts and optimise the client's progress.

Focus on core strength and posture: Core training, stretching, posture correction and balance exercises are integral components of rehabilitation programs. Our specialist trainer helps clients improve core strength, stability and alignment to minimise back pain and address orthopedic limitations.

Emphasis on prevention: In addition to rehabilitation, our specialist trainer educates clients on injury prevention strategies and lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of future injuries. They empower clients with knowledge and tools to maintain optimal physical health and function over the long term.


Work with us

Consider working with Kim Baram, a certified personal trainer who specialises in injury rehabilitation prevention and support. With our convenient mobile service across Brisbane's southside, sessions can take place in the comfort of your home or park nearby. Contact us to book your introductory session for $65 today.

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Amore Fitness offers a professional mobile service across Brisbane, Queensland. Founded and led by Kim Baram, we prioritise personalised health and fitness solutions, delivering expert guidance and unwavering support to enhance your wellbeing. Beyond workouts, we inspire transformative life changes.

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